

GIAC/XCAS/wxCAS is a free computer algebra system for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux/Unix. It is available as a standalone software (using a graphical interface or directly through the console) or as a library in order to use it inside C++ programs.


GIAC is a free computer algebra C++ library (under the GPL license). It is compatible with Maple and MuPAD and the TI89/TI92/Voyage200 pocket calculators. It permits to integrate computer algebra inside C/C++ programs.


XCAS is a free software for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux/Unix. Based on the FLTK toolkit, it permits to do computer algebra, dynamic geometry, spreadsheet and programming. It is one of the interfaces for Giac.

wxCAS :

wxCAS is another free software for Windows/ Linux/Unix and Mac OS X. Based on the wxWidgets toolkit, it is designed to be the successor of XCAS, but it is still in early stage of development.

Icones basé sur le thème Gartoon.